I wish I could tell you that free online adult dating sites are the best thing since sliced bread. If you’ve been hanging out online with a lot of other horny guys they’ve probably been telling you all sorts of stories regarding a website that exploded their sex lives. It seems that they found this magical place where all these women are available and they’ve just been fucking like a rabbit 24/7, all day, every day.
Well, don’t believe the bullshit. Seriously, because if they were recommending the typical free adult dating site there are going to be red flags there. I’m not saying that these websites are complete bullshit and a waste of time. I’m not saying you should avoid them. What I’m saying is that you should have your wits about you. You should practice common sense and you should not be a dumbass. I know this may sound mean, but a lot of guys completely disconnect their brains from their penises when they get horny. They go to this online dating site. They let all the tits and ass dazzle them that they let go of common sense. Here are some common red flags that you need to be on the lookout for.
First, if you see a profile that pictures an image of a performer from a porno site, get out of that website. Chances are very good that that website is fake. I mean if it was a real website then the administrators will police the database and they would actively filter out obviously fake profiles. Second pay attention to the names. If the names read like they were automatically generated like Samantha123 or Samantha1234, HotSamantha123, chances are you are dealing with a fake website. The people behind that website put that website together to try to get into your wallet. Get the hell out of there. You have no business at that website.
Finally, the third red flag you should pay attention to is robotic behavior. This is going to be a little bit trickier because this is going to take a lot more time. When you log on and somebody messages you and you start chatting with that person you know you’re dealing with a robot if you talk about a very, very specific topic and you get a very, very generic response. Try to ask a very personal question and if you still get a generic response, stop wasting your time at that website.