I had to write about this gallery of two girls comparing their pussies from Ivana Fukalot because it totally reminded me of what it is like to be a bisexual girl. Most guys, my boyfriend included, think bisexual girls are just in it for the sex. Wrong! Girls are from Venus, silly! We aren’t in it for the sex. We did the things we do for love. To both give it and receive it fully!
Boys penises all look the same to girls. Unless it isn’t circumcised of course, and even then it kind of looks the same to us. You have a shaft, a head and possibly a scar from the circumcision. Girls are different. We have puffy pussies, pastrami sandwiches, dark lips, pink lips, big clits, small tits, the list goes on.
The first time I looked at one of my older brother’s porn magazines (boy did he ever have a LOT of them!) I noticed the "oddity" straight away. All of the girls had very different looking pussies. I had always assumed they all looked like mine. At that point I wanted to know what all of my friends pussies looked like!
Some girls didn’t mind spilling the beans and others were very private about their private parts. After comparing pussies it was only natural to watch each other pee. Oh the crazy things we did!
Ivanafukalot.com explores the real aspects of teen sexuality. From the benign to the nasty and devious things girls pull like dressing their boy toys up in girls clothes before fucking them. You haven’t seen a site like this before. Ladies like me will enjoy a return to some of the best moments in our lives.
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