When I saw a hard cock for the first time in my life I was shocked. Sure, I have seen my brothers dick when I changed his diapers and sometimes it was hard, but it was still no bigger than my pinky. Seeing a boys cock after puberty completely blew me away and, to be honest, I was a bit scared!
I have stuck a finger inside my vagina when I masturbated before and it seemed like there was no way something as big as a cock would ever fit without hurting. I brought my concerns to a girlfriend of mine and she suggested we try putting things inside our pussies to stretch them a little.
We used all sorts of things from Sharpie markers to paint brush handles. While brushing her hair during a sleepover one night it hit me. The brush’s handle was soft, ribbed rubber and right about the same size as my boyfriends penis! If we worked out pussies into fitting this brush handle all the way in, we’d be able to have sex without it hurting!
After going through the kitchen, the bathroom and my desk we found several more items we could use to stretch ourselves, but we were missing something between a Magic Marker and that darned brush handle. Then it hit me, three fingers at the same time would just about do it!
Neither of us had ever actually touched each others pussy before. We always used an instrument. We didn’t want to be labeled lesbians! After swearing to never tell a soul about what we were doing (oops!), we went ahead and used our fingers on each other.
Wow! There is a huge difference between cold plastic and warm fingers! It felt sooooo gooood having her inside me! After working her fingers into me all the way to the last knuckle she went to pull out and I quickly grabbed her hand and thrust it back in me.
"Please keep going!" I pleaded.
"But I can fit the bru…" She tried to respond.
"No, please! Please! That feels so good!" I begged.
She got a look like she wasn’t sure if she wanted to and I told her to trust me and that she’d be next. She reluctantly finger fucked my pussy and I reached down and began rubbing my clit. It didn’t take long at all to reach that magic moment and when my pussy started squeezing her fingers she had to brace herself to keep them from shooting out!
"Wow! You came pretty hard!" She quipped.
I was so delighted and answered back, "Harder than I ever have. Ever! Thank you! Your turn."
While we switched placed she noticed the sweat on my breasts. "Wow, you got pretty worked up!"
"Wait until you feel this!" I told her and began working two fingers inside her tight little cunny. She instantly got that far away look and I could tell I had her under my spell.
Once my friends breathing started sounding heavy I started rubbing her clit too. She looked down at my hands working her pussy and then cocked her head back and closed her eyes. I pumped her pussy with my fingers and ran circles around her clit for about a minute and then wondered what she tasted like. I am so kinky!
I began using the thumb of my finger thrusting hand to roll her clit and used the newly freed hand to get some of her juice and brought it up to my lips. She sensed something was different and she opened her eyes to watch me lick her sticky juices off of my soaked finger tip. It tasted good so I put my finger in my mouth and sucked the juice off with a pop.
My friends eyes closed again and I could tell by her breathing pattern she was really close to cumming. I really wanted to taste her juices right from the source and slowly crept down and got in position. Once my mouth was in front of her clit I moved my thumb out of the way and replaced it with my tongue. She flinched. Then she started rolling her hips in time with my tongue strokes.
At this point my friend couldn’t help but moan and she grabbed the back of my head and pushed me into her clit until my lips made contact with her pussy. I began sucking on her clit and rolling my tongue in circles around it. I could feel her pussy tensing up on my fingers and suddenly her body started to shudder!
It took an entire minute for her to stop thrashing around and come to her senses. During the entire time I kept my tongue pressed against her clit and my fingers deep inside her.
"Oh my God!" She said and then fell sideways in a heap.
"How was that?" I asked, fully knowing the answer already.
"Amazing! Give me a second and it’s your turn!" She responded between trying to catch her breath.
I couldn’t wait!
When I want to relive those precious moments from my past I go to Virgin Off. The girls remind me so much of me and my friends. They frolic around in their panties, practice kissing, get naked in public daring each other to one up the other and more!
We can’t go back in time, but who cares when Virgin Off brings the best parts of your past to you at the speed of light?