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Posted By Cassie on 03/13/14 - Bookmark Cassie’s Teens

first time lesbian kiss video

Watching this video I got a big laugh. Well, it was more of a snort. And it wasn’t me laughing at the video. These girls are too hot for that. I was laughing about a memory this video triggered from my past. Back when I was in college I knew a couple where both the guy and the girl were super duper hot. I wanted to sleep with them both. The only problem was that she wasn’t bisexual. So I pretended I wasn’t either. Eventually when she began to trust me more I flirted with her or displayed myself to her a little to see if she would take second glances. She did!

Once I knew she was hot for me I set it up for the three of us to get drunk and then I started hitting on her. She jokingly told me to knock it off or her boyfriend might think she was a lesbian or something. He quipped that he didn’t mind watching. She looked at me with that smile you see on somebody that is about to do something that makes them really nervous. Then she planted a kiss on me. Haha!

Little did she know it was my plan the entire time.

XNXX videos play on any device. You can use your cell phone or a computer to watch them. I am frigging myself over them right now!

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